August 29, 2014

The Daily Beast: The Amazon's Secret Super-leaf

Discovered in the depths of the Ecuadorian Amazon, guayusa is a type of holly that, when brewed in boiling water, gives the jolt of a cup of coffee without the jitters, and has double the antioxidants of green tea. And it's about to make a splash--so to speak--in the global market.

August 26, 2014

OC Register: Tokyo Tables

Delve into the world of Japanese eats through the traditional table: kaiseki cuisine. The multi-course menu is an age-old traditional showcase of the best recipes from all over the island nation. Learn about the top dishes in and around Tokyo, including the Park Hyatt's top-notch restaurant Kozue, and the famous ryokan inn Gora Kadan.

August 25, 2014

The Daily Beast: Ghost Hotels of the Catskills

In the 1960s there were over 500 large resorts in the Catskills, just 100 miles from New York City. Today, absolutely nothing remains of these fallen kingdoms. This reported feature explores the reasons for the Golden Era's demise, and what we can find amongst the rubble today.

August 19, 2014

The Daily Beast: Face Tattoos of PNG

In Papua New Guinea facial tattoos are a rite of passage for the tribes of the Tufi region in the country's easterly Oro province. Check out this first-hand account of staying with the Tufians and learning about their time-honored - and very painful - tradition.

August 18, 2014

Dubai Eye Radio: Iceland

For Dubai Eye 103.8 radio I shared my insider knowledge about Iceland with host Lucy Taylor during their weekly afternoon segment entitled The Travel Show. Check out the ten minute clip in podcast form to learn all the basics for planning a trip to the land of fire and ice.